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Friday 14th June 2024 – 1.45pm – change to on-site learning

Friday 14th June 2024 – 1.45pm – change to on-site learning
June 7, 2024 Sis.Paveley
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you will know, our year 11 students are approaching the end of their exam season and have worked extremely hard on their journey towards it.
Year 11’s final main exam is Friday 14th June. In order to facilitate the traditional shirt signing recognition event, years 7 – 10 and year 12 will be finishing on site learning earlier than usual, on Friday 14th June – at 1.45pm. Instead students will have remote learning activities for period 4 which will take place at home.
On site schooling will finish for years 7 – 10 and year 12 at 1.45pm enabling them to still have lunch on site. There will be no keep ups on this day (instead they will take place on the following Monday) and so all students are expected to leave the site at 1.45pm through the student main exit.
We are very proud of our year 11 students and how they have coped with the challenge of the exam period and I am sure that you will join me in wishing them the very best in their exams and indeed in their future studies and employment. It will not be long before it is your child joining in this tradition! All year 11 parents and carers will tell you that the time just flies by!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Finch