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School Policies

To comply with legal requirements, ISI Reporting Standards and OFSTED Standards for schools the following policies may be downloaded here:

16-19 Bursary Fund Trust Policy v1 Sep 2020

Acceptable Use Policy March 2024

Accessibility Policy and Plan November 2023

Admissions Policy 2023-24 ~ HDHS

Admissions Policy 2024-25 ~ HDHS

Admissions Policy 2025-26 ~ HDHS

Anti Bullying Policy January 2024

Anti-Bullying Guide HDHS (Updated October 2022)

Anti-Prejudice HDHS Guide (Oct 2022)

Anti-Racism Policy July 2024

Anti Smoking Policy July 2024

Attendance Policy July 2023

Behaviour for Learning Policy April 2024

Careers Policy HDHS January 2023

CCTV and Surveillance Policy v4 Feb 2023

Charging Remissions Policy July 2023

Child Protection Policy HDHS September 2023

To be read in conjunction with the KCSIE document:

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Children Missing Education Policy November 2023

Complaints Policy v5 Nov 2023

Compliance Policies can be viewed here:

Curriculum Policy November 2023

Data Protection Policy v3 Feb 2023

Drugs and Alcohol Policy October 2022

EAL Policy July 2024

Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy Nov 2022

Equality Objectives and Plan 2022-2025

Exams Policy March 2024

Exams Contingency Plan March 2024

Feedback and Assessment Policy July 2023

Freedom of Information Policy v4 Feb 2023

HDHS Governor Code of Conduct

Health and Safety Policy v5 Feb 2023

Home School Agreement Policy July 2024

Homework Policy July 2024

Inclusion Policy March 2024

Intimate Care Policy July 2023

Medicines and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy November 2022

Modern Slavery Statement 2022-23

More Able (HPA) Policy July 2024

NETT Partnership Agreement 2022-23

Photography and Images Policy v5 Feb 2023

Positive Handling Policy March 2024

Prevent Duty Policy July 2024

Recruitment Policy v4 January 2023

Remote Learning Policy July 2023

RSHE & PSHEE Policy November 2023

School Uniform Policy July 2024

Searching Screening and Confiscation Policy March 2024

Self Harm Policy July 2024

SEND Policy July 2024

SEND Information Report 2023-24

Sickness and Accident Policy Students March 2022


SMSC & British Values Policy HDHS March 2024

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Policy July 2023

Suspension and Exclusion Policy November 2023

Whistleblowing Policy March 2023

Work Experience Policy July 2024