Dear Parent
Please be advised of the start times for HDHS students for the new academic year.
Years 7, 12 and 13 return on Monday 4th September at 8.35am. Students are to arrive through the main student entrance gate where they will be greeted by staff and year 7 will be directed to the main hall where they will meet their tutor. Year 12 and 13 are to head straight to the mezzanine.
On Tuesday 5th September, Years 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 are to arrive at 8.35 as normal and go straight to their tutor rooms and Years 10 and 11 are to arrive at 9.15am and go straight to their tutor room.
Uniforms will be checked at the gates for all students, if you have any difficulties in purchasing uniform items please speak to the pastoral teams as soon as possible and we will assist. Please be reminded that all students must have a school bag big enough for their pens and books.
Please check our website for the term dates for the year including NPD (non-pupil days):
Yours sincerely
Kate Finch