Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you for your continued support during the spring term, which has proven to have been interrupted by covid-related absence. Students have worked well and continued to cope with the effects on the pandemic at a stage when we all believed it to have been, at least nearly, over. I hope that the summer term brings less disruption of this nature.
Our exam groups are busy preparing for the exam season which begins almost immediately after the holiday and there is a full programme of revision sessions over the Easter holiday, run by our teachers, which year 11 students can still sign up to.
Please can I remind all parents of the expected uniform – I thought I would be saying that going into the summer term means coats probably will no longer be preferred by students, but given the snow today, I am not so sure! No sweatshirts or hoodies are permitted at all and the blazer must be worn at all times. Trainers are not permitted and students need their school bag with them at all times. As always, if you need any support with school uniform, please do contact the year team and we will always help.
We have a vacancy for a parent governor at the moment. Please see our website for further details: and contact the Clerk to the Governors via email to if you are interested.
The Galloper Wind Farm Project is reaching its end point. Our Arts and Innovation faculty and a group of selected students have collaborated with The Harwich Festival team to produce a piece of Art and Graphics work that will be digitally enlarged and printed. The bespoke final chosen work will then be hung permanently in the operations centre of Galloper Wind Farm here in Harwich. The students will also have their work exhibited at the Harwich Heritage Centre in a formal Gallery space.
During the Easter Holidays, emails are not monitored as often as during normal working hours. Therefore, if you have an urgent safeguarding or pupil welfare concern, please refer to the police (999/101) and/or the Essex Safeguarding Children Board ( 03456037627. All non-urgent concerns will be picked up on Tuesday 19th April.
Have an enjoyable Easter break and I look forward to working together further with you in the summer term.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Kate Finch