Y11 students have been given access to a new revision aid – PiXLit – to help with revision for English Literature. This is in addition to GCSEPod which the students have also been given access to for revision support.
You can access PiXLit by following this link :
The PiXLit app contains the GCSE texts that our students study and there are a range of different activities to help strengthen the knowledge of those texts. The activities revolve around gaining a deeper understanding of quotations through testing memory recall of the quotes, reciting who said the quote or who the quote was about, events and happenings and literature terminology.
It is often difficult to drag teenagers away from their phone to focus on revision but this app allows them to revise on their phone.
Students have been given log-in details – all they have to do is download the free app. If students have queries about logins or how to use the app, they can find a member of the English department to support them.
Kind regards
Mr Gallagher
Head of English
GCSEPOD is also available: https://www.gcsepod.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Parents-Guide-Revision.jpg
Further Revision Details
How To Analyse language
English Language Sample Mock Papers
- English-Lang-Paper-1-Mock-Exam-Mock-Atwood.pdf (1063 downloads )
- Language-Paper-1-Mock-Exam-Cuckoos-Calling.pdf (531 downloads )
- Language-Paper-1-Mock-Exam-In-The-Woods.pdf (431 downloads )
Unseen poetry Revision Guide:
Language Paper 1 Exam questions Section B
- Paper-1-Descriptive-Las-Vagas.pdf (527 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
- Paper-1-Q5-Exam-Question-Descriptive-Train-Platform.pdf (371 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
- Language-Paper-1-Q5-Exam-Question.pdf (299 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
Language Exam questions Q5 P2
- Section-B-Writing-Workbook-Autumn-2.pdf (636 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
- Language-Terminology-sheet-1-Autumn-1.pdf (691 downloads )
- Literature-Terminology-sheet-1-Autumn-1.pdf (403 downloads )
- Language-Terminology-sheet-2-Autumn-1.pdf (340 downloads )
- AQA-Paper-1-Section-A-THE-WHOLE-TOWNS-SLEEPING-.pdf (393 downloads )
Revision Posters
- JH-Poster-coming-out-evil.pdf (462 downloads )
- JH-Poster-Curiousity.pdf (216 downloads )
- JH-Poster.pptx (235 downloads )
- Jests-RJ-Poster.pdf (202 downloads )
- Only-Love-RJ-Poster.pdf (248 downloads )
- RJ-Nimble-shoes-poster.pdf (195 downloads )
Quote Revision
- Year-11-quotes-booklet-Autumn-2016.pdf (3732 downloads )
- KS4-quotes-booklet-Autumn-2-1.pdf (409 downloads )
Poetry Anthology Exam questions
Unseen Poetry Exam Practice
- Unseen-Poetry-Disasters.pdf (451 downloads )
- Unseen-poetry-Flag-and-freedoms-Standard.pdf (251 downloads )
- unseen-quickdraw-first-frost.pdf (254 downloads )
Poetry Revision- 15 Conflict poems
Revision Memory Clocks
5 A DAY Revision tasks
Literature Paper 1 Exams question
- Literature-Paper-1-Extract-Questions-Booklet-2016.pdf (832 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
Literature Paper 2 Exam Practice Questions
Language Q3 Structure Revision
Language Paper 1 Q1 Practice
Exam papers – Language paper 1
- Paper-1-The-Hobbit-extract-and-Qs.pdf (366 downloads )
- AQA-Paper-1-Section-A-To-Kill-a-Mockingbird.pdf (290 downloads )
- AQA-Paper-1-Section-A-THE-WHOLE-TOWNS-SLEEPING-.pdf (393 downloads )
- AQA-Paper-1A-GREAT-EXPECTATIONS.pdf (230 downloads )
- AQA-Paper-1A-FRANKENSTEIN.pdf (233 downloads )
- AQA-Paper-1A-A-CHRISTMAS-CAROL.pdf (346 downloads )
- Paper-1-The-Fault-in-our-Stars.pdf (271 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
Exam papers – Language paper 2
- Conflicts-Homelessness-Paper-2A-new-AQA.pdf (441 downloads )
- Conflicts-Paranormal-Paper-2A-new-AQA.pdf (359 downloads )
- Fires-in-London-Paper-2A-new-AQA.pdf (296 downloads )
Comparing AQA Power and Conflict poetry
English Language Revision Videos
Poetry Revision Videos
Storm on The Island
Checking Out Me History
The Prelude
War Photographer
Bayonet Charge
My Last Duchess
The Charge of The Light Brigade
Language Paper 2 Overview Video
A Poetry Quotation Revision Rap
Literature Knowledge Organiser
- An-Inspector-Calls-KO-2016-002.pdf (2850 downloads )
- Jekyll-and-Hyde-KO-002.pdf (781 downloads )
- Knowledge-Organiser-AQA-Power-and-Conflict-Poetry-1.pdf (7676 downloads )
- Romeo-Juliet-KO-2016-Copy.pdf (2964 downloads )
An Inspector Calls Knowledge Organiser:
- An-Inspector-Calls-KO-2016.pdf (450 downloads )
- An-Inspector-Calls-J.-B.-Priestley.pdf (250 downloads )
- an-inspector-calls-knowledge-organiser.pdf (586 downloads )
- an-inspector-calls-past-questions.pdf (372 downloads )
An inspector Calls- Context Revision
- An-Inspector-Calls-context.pdf (405 downloads )
- An-Inspector-Calls-Revision-Quizzes-and-Answers.pdf (599 downloads )
An Inspector Calls Mock GCSE Questions
An Inspector Calls Revision Video on Context:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Svz8_dyhok&list=PL1Y12hV0-3HSpsSHCIJuiGmAAAw9n9U5A
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7OHthxcR1c&index=3&list=PL1Y12hV0-3HSpsSHCIJuiGmAAAw9n9U5A
‘An Inspector Calls’ Quote Revision Videos
An Inspector Calls- An analysis of the Inspector:
An Inspector Calls- The full play (BBC 1982):
An Inspector Calls Exams Questions
- AIC-Exam-questions_Mrs-Birling-and-Power-and-Influence.pdf (399 downloads )
- AIC-Exam-questions_Croft-and-Attitudes-to-Women.pdf (225 downloads )
- AIC-Exam-question_Goole-and-Unfairness-in-Society.pdf (233 downloads )
- AIC-Exam-Question-Qs_Birling-politics-and-bees-in-hive.pdf (196 downloads )
- AIC-Exam-question-Eva.pdf (218 downloads )
- AIC-Exam-Qs_Patronising-and-Eva-Smith-most-important-1.pdf (243 downloads )
An Inspector Calls- Character Revision
An Inspector Calls Workbook
Jekyll and Hyde Annotated Chapters
- Chapter-1-The-Story-of-the-Door-annotated.pdf (417 downloads )
- J-and-H-chapter2-annotations.pdf (220 downloads )
- J-and-H-Chapter-3-annotations.pdf (171 downloads )
- Chapter-4-J-and-H-annotations.pdf (194 downloads )
- J-and-H-Chapter-5-annotations.pdf (177 downloads )
- J-and-H-Chapter-6-annotations.pdf (205 downloads )
- J-and-H-chapter-7-annotations.pdf (192 downloads )
- J-and-H-chapter-8-annotations.pdf (203 downloads )
- J-and-H-Chapter-9-annotations.pdf (196 downloads )
- J-and-H-Chapter-10-annotations.pdf (199 downloads )
Jekyll and Hyde Revision
- Jekyll-and-Hyde-Basic-Knowledge-Tests-1.pdf (288 downloads )
- Jekyll-and-Hyde-summary-worksheet-2.pdf (229 downloads )
- Themes-to-Mention-in-JH-responses.pdf (282 downloads )
Jekyll and Hyde Revision Workbooks & Revision Guides:
- JH-Bible.pdf (6308 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
- Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde-Revision-Guide-revision-guide.pdf (414 downloads ) ’50 VIVOS for submitting an exam response to your teacher’
Jekyll and Hyde Chapter Revision Test
Jekyll and Hyde Revision Video:
Jekyll and Hyde Context video:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpMdy9YGdZc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sO4gXRyODE
- Jekyll-Revision-Test-and-answers.pdf (175 downloads )
Jekyll and Hyde Exam Practice Questions
Jekyll and Hyde Knowledge Organiser:
Romeo and Juliet Exam Questions
- Romeo-and-Juliet-Exam-Question-Romeo.pdf (365 downloads )
- Romeo-and-Juliet-Exam-question-Fate.pdf (228 downloads )
- Romeo-Juliet-Exam-question-Justice.pdf (241 downloads )
Romeo and Juliet Revision
- Context-Postcards-R-and-J.pdf (428 downloads )
- LIT-Romeo-and-Juliet-Revision-Booklet-Mar-2017.pdf (914 downloads )
Romeo & Juliet Revision Workbook
Romeo and Juliet Revision Video- a brief summary:
Romeo and Juliet Videos
- Romeo and Juliet – a theatrical interpretation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6OjbkAbB9o - Act Two Scene Two- A dramatic interpretation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPzJUWYJ8Ko - Romeo and Juliet- Fight scene- Theatre Interpretation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF7UwsuQYzg - Romeo and Juliet- Dramatic structure-Freytag’s Pyramid
Romeo and Juliet Character Links:
Mr Bruff English Language Revision Videos
DNA Revision Videos:
- DNA Characters:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EB3WOYDd54 - DNA- The Plot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KwujlgvJjw - DNA- Themes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTcahwr-hfo - HDHS Production:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KjrpqWyN4c - Theatre Production:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKh3T9A4uBE - Leah’s Bonobo Monologue: