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The move to Secondary School can be an anxious time for students and their families.  At Harwich and Dovercourt High School we strive to make this transition period as easy as possible.

Year 5 and 6 students are invited to join us at an Open Evening in September each year. This year this will be held on Thursday 3rd October 2024, 5.30-7.30pm.

Here is a short video to try to give primary students an insight into what life is like for students at HDHS:  

Primary Transition Day

Year 6 students will be invited to join us for a transition visit in the summer term.

You can find more information in the Transition section of this page.

How To Apply

Harwich and Dovercourt High School’s Admissions policies and Prospectuses for the year of entry can be viewed by clicking below.

If your child attends an Essex maintained primary or junior school and is in Year 6, he/she will bring home from school the Secondary Education in Essex booklet in September.


The following documents provide a summary of useful information for students joining us in Year 7:

Year 7 Parent Welcome Booklet September 2024

Year 7 Student Booklet September 2024

Essex County Council Attendance Information for Parents

Mid-year Applications

For mid -year applications, a Secondary mid-year application form needs to be completed and returned directly to your preferred school(s). A copy of the application form is available here, or can be requested from:

School Planning and Admissions, Essex County Council, P.O. Box 4261, Chelmsford CM1 1GS.

Tel: 0345 603 2200

Alternatively, a form can be downloaded from School Planning and Admissions website:

Full details of the mid year application process are provided in the mid year application form’s accompanying booklet which is available by clicking below.

Mid Year Application Form

Free School Meals

To apply for Free School Meals please follow this link:  FSM Application Form

Sixth Form

For admissions to the Harwich and Dovercourt Sixth Form College please follow this link:   Sixth Form Admissions