Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to invite students and parents of Year 8 to a hybrid Parents Evening/Transition Year Choices presentation, on Thursday 1st February 2024.
In order to accommodate everyone’s preferences, we are offering a hybrid approach, whereby you can make face to face appointments if you prefer, or video call appointments.
If you have chosen video appointments this will be an opportunity to meet via video link with subject teachers to discuss the progress of students. There’s nothing to download or install – simply login to the Parents Evening System prior to the start of your first appointment. Each appointment will last 5 minutes (with an automatic cut off after this time) and will be carried out via video call.
Please use this link to access more information re attending your video appointments (Parent guide)
If a face to face appointment is required please book a video call appointment and at the end of each appointment booking ensure you leave a message in the ‘Appointment Message’ box to say you will be attending school in person. Appointments are to be held in K and J Block. Parents should register at reception first and then wait outside of the classroom until they are called in for their appointment. Thank you.
There will be a Transition Year Choices presentation in B1 at 3.45, repeated at 4.45 and 5.45. If you are attending for face to face appointments, please allow time to attend one of the presentations, which should be no longer than 30 minutes.
Appointments will be available between 3.30pm and 6.30pm and can be booked using the Parents Evening System online, via the School website (HDHS website), from Thursday 18th January at 9.00am. Bookings close at 9.00am on Thursday 1st February.
If you are unable to access the HDHS website to make your appointments please telephone the school reception and someone will be able to help you.
An email reminder will be sent an hour before appointments start, with a link provided for video appointments, even if you have made face to face appointments.
Kind regards,
Mrs C Simpson
Senior Business Support Assistant