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School Uniform Change from September 2022

School Uniform Change from September 2022
May 23, 2022 Belinda Gosling

Dear Parents and Carers

Wearing the school uniform is the most important part of being “prepared to belong”. Uniform is a great leveller ensuring all students are equal but more than that, it shows that all students are deserving of the same high expectations because they are equally valued. To allow a student to not follow the same uniform expectations as another is saying that they are less important and less valued as a member of our school community.

There will be a small change to the permitted skirt as of September 2022: the uniform policy now reads: “Skirts must be black, knee length and pleated. They should not be of any other colour or style.”

Machine washable, black pleated skirts can be bought from our usual uniform supplier or any supermarket such as Asda or Tesco. As always, if you need support in the purchase of this uniform item or any other, please do not hesitate to contact the Year Team and we will help.

The rest of the uniform remains the same, please can I remind you that sweatshirts and hoodies are not permitted on site, but a coat may be worn over the top of the blazer when traveling from block to block. The blazer and tie must be worn at all times around the school and trainers are not permitted.

Thank you very much for your ongoing support in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Finch
