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Year 10 Vaccinations – Monday 21st June

Year 10 Vaccinations – Monday 21st June
June 8, 2021 Belinda Gosling
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 10 students will be having their DTP & Men ACWY vaccinations in school on Monday 21st June. If you have not completed and returned the electronic consent form please do so immediately via this link: Consent Form
We are aware that a percentage of the year 10 group will have received this vaccine already, therefore if your child HAS received these vaccines previously, you DO NOT need to complete the consent form again. If you are unsure, a member of the Immunisation team can confirm this information with you by calling us on 0300 790 0597.
Further details can be found here, or if you have any further questions please call the Immunisation Team on 01206 334530.