We would like to invite students and parents of Year 9 to a virtual Parents Evening on Thursday 6th May 2021.
This will be an opportunity to meet via video link with subject teachers to discuss the progress of students.
In addition to booking appointments with subject teachers you can also book an appointment with Mrs Brundle,
Assistant Head of Year 9, should you have any pastoral or behavioural concerns.
There’s nothing to download or install – simply login to the system prior to the start of your first appointment.
(If for some reason the Parents Evening system is not working when your video call is due please expect a phone call instead.)
Each appointment will last 5 minutes (with an automatic cut off after this time) and will be carried out via video call.
Unfortunately iPhone/iPad devices running iOS 14.2 may experience stuttering audio so please try to use an alternative device.
Appointments will be available between 3.30pm and 6.30pm and can be booked using the Parents Evening System online,
via the School website as normal (HDHS website), from Monday 26th April at 9.00am. The deadline for booking appointments is Thursday 6th May 2021 at 9.00am.
Please use this link to access more information re attending your video appointments (Parent guide)
If you are unable to access the HDHS website to make your appointments please telephone
the school reception on the above number and someone will be able to help you.