Dear Parent/Carer,
Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times. I hope that your child is discussing with you how school is functioning and the measures in place, but please do visit our website to see the full Risk Assessment. I am very proud of how the students have come back to school this term, coping with the post-lockdown way of working: they are working very hard and taking the opportunities that the school is affording them and achieving well.
In a time of many rule changes within the school, made up of Covid-secure one way systems and bubbles, I would like to take the opportunity to remind parents and students of a few of the pre-existing school rules.
I understand, as the weather turns colder, that students may not have a coat and so may wear a hooded sweatshirt as an alternative. If it is the case that your child does not have a coat, then the sweatshirt is permitted but it must be worn in exactly the same way as a coat, that is, over the top of the blazer and taken off as soon as the student enters the building. Sweatshirts are never to be worn underneath blazers. If this uniform rule is not adhered to then it will force me into banning sweatshirts altogether. I welcome parents’ views on this issue.
PE Kit
Because the students are wearing their PE kit on the days that they have PE, due to changing facilities not being open at this time, please can I remind you of the PE and Dance uniform:
- White short sleeve polo top – HDHS logo
- Blue long sleeve rugby top
- Black shorts
- Black leggings designed for sport
- Black sport socks (previous policy blue socks are acceptable)
- Trainers
- Football boots – for football and hockey
- Shin pads – for football and hockey
- Gum shield – for rugby and hockey
- A sports jumper may be worn in cold outdoor conditions.
Hair must be tied up and all jewellery removed for all activities.
Nails need to be of a suitable length for all activities to be participated in safely.
Mobile Phones and Devices
I invited parents’ views a while back on the issue of mobile phones being permitted in school. The majority of parents agreed with the current policy which is that phones are permitted but must not be seen or heard during lesson times or in the building. Some students are struggling with keeping their phone out of sight in the building at the moment, so please take the opportunity to discuss with your child that if mobile phones become a hindrance to the efficient education within the school, then I will have no choice other than to ban them. This includes using them, or any other electronic device as a recording device. If a student is found to be recording other students or staff at school then they will be subject to a sanction which could mean that they have to hand in their device at the start of the day, or indeed lead to a whole school ban.
Some images of students may have been used without their consent on social media platforms such as TikTok, which is against the school rules. Please can I also ask you to refresh your understanding of the risks in using TikTok through the Safeguarding section of our website, notably our #WakeUpWednesday Safeguarding Guides
Please can I remind parents and students that earphones are banned from the school site. Students may choose to use them on their journey into school but they must be put away in pockets or bags as soon as the child enters the school site. Please refer back to my previous communication about this, should you wish to be reminded of the detail. It is important to note that wearing earphones whilst riding a bicycle to school is extremely dangerous and lead to a near miss collision with a car this week. If your child wishes to cycle to school, please ensure they have signed the Responsible Cyclist contract and received their badge, which acts as a permit to leave their bike safely on the school premises during the day.
Thank you for your support in all of the above matters and please discuss them with your child. Furthermore, please do send me your views on uniform matters via
Yours faithfully
Mrs Kate Finch