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PSHE day
July 7, 2017 hdhsadmin

Yesterday saw the final PSHE day of the Year in some very hot conditions.

The sessions delivered to the year 8 and 9 students involved a huge variety of subject areas relating to personal, social and health education. We were fortunate to secure 24 external speakers for all the sessions throughout the day. Subject matter ranged from Careers information from a Chief Inspector, Fitness and benefits to the body, services available to support people in need of help, Drug and Alcohol education, Teenage pregnancy, Gang Prevention, Road Safety, Healthy Eating with a focus on breakfast, Cancer, the signs symptoms and care and Fire safety.

Year 7 classes worked with the Maths department applying maths skills and knowledge to real life situations. These sessions were:

1 Best buys
2 Bearings and map orientation(outside)
3 Ratio ( mixing primary colours/ painting)
4 Proportion ( recipes -making shortbread in the two cooking rooms)

Many students highlighted the importance of these days and it was pleasing to hear them say there should be more time for PSHE on the curriculum as they could see how these topics related to issues that could easily arise in the future.

The planning for next year’s events is already underway.