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Importance of Homework

Importance of Homework
June 8, 2017 hdhsadmin

Dear Parent/Carer

The HDHS English department places a lot of importance on homework. Students who engage with homework outperform students who don’t put effort into homework.
All students in Year 9 and 10 have been given a homework booklet with weekly tasks. Each student is expected to spend an hour a week completing English homework.Each task is expected to be submitted weekly. This homework is extremely important as it is used to give students experience of GCSE style questions and allows teachers to give necessary and useful feedback.The students will be doing mock exams this term and this homework booklet provides good revision and preparation for the students. Homework is also available on SMH if a student misplaces their booklet.There is a section in the booklet for parents and carers to comment on the quality of homework produced by the student.
Any questions, please let me know,
Kind regards,
Ray Gallagher (