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Behaviour Policy Update

Behaviour Policy Update
March 31, 2017 hdhsadmin

Dear Parent /Carer

You will be aware that Harwich and Dovercourt High School introduced a new behaviour policy in January 2016. The policy offered a clearer approach to supporting learning and progression and in tackling any barriers that might affect how well our students are able to learn and flourish.

It is good practise to carry out a regular review of this policy. Following dialogue and consultation with Student Leaders and School Leaders, I am writing to inform you of some adjustments that will come into effect from April 18th 2017.

  • We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is essential and we strive to achieve this. Where we note a student has received several sanctions, perhaps in one day, you will be invited to a school-based meeting at the earliest, most convenient opportunity. This will allow us to work with you collaboratively in applying consistent strategies between home and school that will support your child(ren).
  • Where we have the unfortunate situation of a student in detention after school the work provided will be adjusted to focus on whole-school strategies that support progression in English, Maths and Science. Students will be expected to complete the work provided. The expectations of detentions will be rigorous: mobile phones, and other smart devices will be handed in for the duration of the detention, and the sanction will be completed in silence. There will be an automatic escalation as per the policy for failure to adhere to these expectations.
  • The location of Internal Isolation is being moved so that it will no longer be within the main school buildings. Students should report to Student Services as normal where they will be collected by Mr Davids. Internal Isolation will have its timings changed to operate from 8.30am to 4.00pm. The expectations will remain rigorous:  mobile phones, and other smart devices will be handed in for the duration of the detention, and the sanction will be completed in silence. An escalation in sanction will be applied for an breach and the period of isolation repeated upon completion of the escalation.
  • REACH will not operate for the Summer Term and students will be referred to the Green Lodge STOP facility in Clacton-on-Sea instead.
  • Reintegration to school will proceed as normal, although in some cases we will invite the referring teacher to attend as part of our Repair and Rebuild process.
  • There will be a gradual phasing out of behaviour points to be replaced by the number of ‘C-Sanctions’ and a new set of thresholds that will invite a reporting process, school-based meeting, senior leader meeting or Governor meeting.

Full details will be shared with students upon their return from the 18th April and these new adjustments will apply in full from 24th April 2017.

What gives me great encouragement is the very positive approach adopted by Student Leaders in recommending many of these changes: these student colleagues represent the student body within the school and they are clear in their desire to ensure we work together to create an environment where barriers to learning are removed.

May I remind you of our rewards system, Vivo, which been a tremendous success. Not only do we see students being recognised for excellence in their work, community spirit and support is also celebrated. Attendance is rewarded and I would encourage you to support this as much as possible. The Summer Term will see the introduction of a weekly rewards patrol where leaders across the school will drop into lessons and recognise great work with an instant Vivo reward of at least 25 points. We are seeing many Year 11 students working hard to gain points in exchange for Prom discounts.

May I also remind you of the school expectation that sugary, fizzy, and high energy drinks are not permitted on-site. Whilst the Lighthouse Restaurant does sell fizzy drinks, these are approved low-sugar refreshments that are in line with our Healthy School status.

I am sure you will agree that these are positive measures to continue to support the excellent progress our learners are making, and for us to maintain our stance that barriers to learning do not have a place in this school.

Our thanks for your continued support.

Yours sincerely


Deputy Headteacher