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Head Students 2017-2018

Head Students 2017-2018
March 28, 2017 hdhsadmin

On Friday 24th March interviews took place to appoint the new Head Student team for 2017-2018.

An extremely strong field of 18 students were shortlisted for a very rigorous interview process.

The day begun with a group activity followed by an individual presentation and interview to a panel of Mr Leggett (Chair of Governors), Mrs Clark (Personnel manager) and Mr Garnham (Assistant Head).

The decision for the panel was harder than ever and deliberations took place well after the school had finished.

All three members of staff were extremely complimentary about the professionalism and commitment the students had given to their presentations and thoughtfulness of their answers and ideas.

The unsuccessful students have all been asked to be prefects to be leaders in their Learning Community.

The successful students that make up the new team are as follows:
Gabby Williams
Yuki Jackson
Thomas Dudding
Kimberly Mulligan
Macy Levett

We would like to wish them all the best for a successful year in post.

The outgoing team of Head Students have served the school extremely well and have been a fantastic team throughout the last year. They now concentrate on their forthcoming GCSE examinations and will hopefully make a huge success of these too.

Mr Day