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ESU Mace debate

ESU Mace debate
November 23, 2016 hdhsadmin
Last night Miss Harding and Mr McCullough took 3 students to the Royal Hopsital School for the first round of the annual ESU Mace debate. Hannah Milne and Shannon Seed both participated, arguing the case that professional sports should not have salary caps. Louis Perkins also came along for the ride, offering moral support and speech writing help to both contestants.
Although we were not successful in this round, both girls held their own in a very tough competition and did the school and department proud! All students have put in a lot of time and effort into the debate and it was fantastic to see them excel and their confidence increase as they spoke.
Debate club runs in both ks3 and ks4. We have another competition coming up and need more students to take part.
Thank you finally to Lesley Baisden and Jo Green for coming to support the students and school!
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