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Young Poets Slam at Manningtree High School

Young Poets Slam at Manningtree High School
June 27, 2016 hdhsadmin

24 young poets from across North Essex came together to compete in the third annual NEEEP Poetry Slam, held at Manningtree High School on June 23rd. Judged by Colchester Arts Centre slam poetry champion Tess Gardener and performance poet, Steve Lawton, students aged 11-16 rhymed about topics as diverse as addiction, perfection, the referendum and mystery islands, among many others.
After the initial round, six performers made it to the finals, with Cat Burr from Stanway School finally emerging victorious. She commented: “It was an amazing event. The standard of poetry was so high and everyone’s content was beyond their years. I’m honoured to have won and hope that everyone continues writing.”

“The issues raised by this year’s competitors and the power with which they were delivered was incredibly impressive: it was wonderful to see the North Essex schools together at Manningtree and the students spoke highly of each other’s performances.”
Clacton County High, The Gilberd, Manningtree High School, St Helena, The Harwich and Dovercourt School, The Stanway School , Thomas Lord Audley School, Thurstable School.

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