HDHS Students were invited to take part in the above competitions. The standard of entries were high with some attractive designs.
The Christmas Card Competition prize winners were as follows:
Winners – Trevor Bbanda 11WBEn and Irene Okenzuwa 8HSb. £10 vouchers.
Runners-up – Mikayla Mann 7HAk and Karolina Nowak 7HAk. Chocolate selection boxes.
In the ‘Alternative 12 Days of Christmas Competition, the premise was to write a version of the traditional song based on a book, film or TV programme.
The winner was Jessie Archer-Farrands (7WNr), with her clever take on Harry Potter. Joseph Horncastle (7VIr) came second, penning his witty parody a ’12 Days of Summer’, based
on the cartoon series ‘Gravity Falls’. Jessie received a £10 voucher whilst a chocolate selection box was given to Joseph.