7th September 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
A new way to record, track and monitor homework at HDHS
We have launched our Satchel:One platform. Satchel:One is an online tool to help you keep track of your child’s homework. It will allow you to see full details of the tasks your child has been set, all their upcoming deadlines and any submission statuses or grades recorded by their teacher.
We have chosen to introduce this system to improve our parental communication and to give you greater visibility into the homework we set. We also hope it will improve your child’s organisation, time-management and ability to keep on top of their workload.
Please login to either the website or the app using your parent code.
Your child received your parent code on Tuesday 5th September. This is linked to your child’s account, where you will be able to see their To-do List and any overdue homework. You can log in via the mobile app to receive push notifications while on the move; this will also notify you of grades, overdue homework and school announcements / events. You will also be able to monitor attendance, punctuality and behaviour.
If you have not received your parent code please contact us on 01255 245460 or email admin@hdhs.school.
If you or your child have any questions about the service, please don’t hesitate to visit www.teamsatchel.com/welcome-pack/welcome.html#satchel-one-plus or the Satchel One help centre at help.satchelone.com. If you’d like to provide feedback, please contact me.
Thank you once again for your support.
Yours faithfully,
Mr J Bacon
Assistant Headteacher