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Year 9 DTP and Meningitis ACWY Vaccinations

Year 9 DTP and Meningitis ACWY Vaccinations
March 9, 2023 Angela Porter
The immunisation team are visiting the school on 21st and 22nd March 2023 for the Year 9 Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) and Meningitis strains ACWY vaccinations.
Please find a letter attached from the nurses which gives further information on the immunisations and contains a link to the consent form. Please note: CHILDREN WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT WILL NOT BE VACCINATED. DTP and MenACWY Immunisation E-Consent Letter 2023 – Harwich & Dovercourt
If you have any questions, difficulties completing the form or would like to discuss the vaccines with a nurse, please do not hesitate to contact your local immunisation team on 0300 790 0597
Deadline for completion of consent forms is: Friday 17th March 2023 at 3pm.