Dear Year 11 Parent/Carer,
I am writing to advise you of some changes we are making to our Year 11 Parents’ Evening this year, which is taking place 3.30-6.30pm on Thursday 20th October 2022.
This year we would like to invite you to attend a 30 minute session as well as your teacher appointments, which will include:
- A 10 minute presentation about how you can support your child during this very important year: how to support revision and time management.
- A reward for coming along, (seeing as the hard work for year 11 exams will be hard work for you also!)
- An invitation to have a meal, sampling our lunchtime menu of curry and rice.
The times of these sessions will be as follows, therefore please arrange your teacher appointments outside of the session time you wish to attend:
- 3.45-4.15pm
- 4.45-5.15pm
- 5.45-6.15pm
If you have younger children with you throughout the teacher appointments and the revision skills presentation, we will be happy to look after them for you in a room where they can partake in games and activities supervised by our Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher and some student helpers; this will make it easier for you and your Year 11 child to focus on the teacher appointments and presentation.
Additionally, all parents who attend the appointments and presentation will be awarded a raffle ticket to be drawn the next day for the chance to win a free ticket for your child to attend the prom at the other side of all the exams and hard work.
If you cannot make the evening in person, please be certain to book virtual appointments as we continue to run the hybrid system in line with parents’ wishes, although if you could make it in person on this very important occasion of the Year 11 Parents’ Evening, it would be preferable.
If you do choose video appointments to meet with subject teachers to discuss the progress of students, there is nothing to download or install. Simply login to the system prior to the start of your first appointment. Each appointment will last 5 minutes (with an automatic cut off after this time) and will be carried out via video call.
For face to face appointments please book a video call appointment and at the end of each appointment booking ensure you leave a message in the ‘Appointment Message’ box to say you will be attending school in person.
Appointments will be available between 3.30pm and 6.30pm and can be booked using the Parents Evening System online, via the School website as normal (HDHS website), from Monday 10th October at 9.00am. The deadline for booking appointments is Thursday 20th October 2022 at 9.00am.
Please use this link to access more information re attending your video appointments (Parent guide)
If you are unable to access the HDHS website to make your appointments please telephone the school reception and someone will be able to help you.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Finch