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Arrangements for return to school in January 2022

Arrangements for return to school in January 2022
December 15, 2021 Belinda Gosling

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for your patience in awaiting the arrangements for the return to school in January.  As you know, we will be testing students who have a returned consent form only throughout the day before they begin their on site lessons.  As such we have a staggered start for all year groups.  Students who are not on site learning at this time will have reading tasks assigned to them for remote learning using Google Classroom.
Please find details below of the staggered start times and dates:

Tuesday 4th January


Year 11

Year 12

Year 13


Year 10

12 noon

Year 9


Year 8

Wednesday 5th January


Year 7

If you have returned the consent form for your child, please ask them to go straight to D3 when arriving in school where their test will take place. They will then be able to go straight to their usual lesson after this.
Thank you for your ongoing support through these challenging times.  I hope that you have a very happy and safe Christmas and that you and your families stay well.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Kate Finch