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Safeguarding News: Safer Internet Day and GamCare Sessions

Safeguarding News: Safer Internet Day and GamCare Sessions
February 5, 2021 Belinda Gosling
In Promoted News

Monday, 8th February 2021

RE: Safeguarding News: Safer Internet Day and GamCare Sessions:  

Dear Parent/ Carer, 

Safer Internet Day: 

Safer Internet Day is Tuesday 9th February. Although the internet is a crucial resource at present, enabling learning to continue and supporting positive emotional health by maintaining links with family and friends, it is essential that we teach students how to interact online safely. The following updates will assist you in keeping children safe online. 

  • NCPCC toolkit for parent on understanding children’s usage and safety

  • London School of Economics toolkit for young people to develop understanding of data and privacy. 

  • Parent Guides: Information on online topics which may pose risks to children: 

Please let us know if you require any further information on these topics or if you have any specific queries. 

GamCare Sessions for all pupils in year 7 to 11: 

All pupils are invited to attend gambling awareness and gaming addiction sessions, on Wednesday 10th February. These sessions will replace the usual timetabled lessons at the times stipulated for each year group. These sessions will take place on Google Meet and pupils will be sent the link on the morning of the sessions. 

Yr 7   09.00-1000

Yr 8   10.15- 11.15

Yr 9   11.25- 12.25

Yr 10  12.55- 13.55

Yr 11  14.05- 15.00

As ever, if you require any support with any aspect of your child’s learning or wellbeing, please do contact the school via the appropriate year team, the concerns email ( or use the Whisper button which is at the bottom of the school webpage:

Yours faithfully,


J.W. Loten
Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead